utorak, 10. siječnja 2012.

Some stranger inside me

I'm aware all day long, but can't get aware of this moment.When I feel deep inside something strange. Like it was l strong battle, after who everything is shaken and most gladly I would like to cry. But I felt that in this sea of emotions one drop tells me that for me there is love .
Life can be compared with the river. Water are numerous of droplets, like numerous  body cells in human. Water  flow  trough as the blood vessels. Water forms the trough, as our mistakes left in us a clue. Our falls are waterfalls. When it rains some happy, some sad. When I see a drop that falls remember how much water is important, like when some people see a tear on his beloved person they remember how important it is, so they pay attention to love..  Water is the source of life, man is the source ...