nedjelja, 29. prosinca 2013.

nedjelja, 24. studenoga 2013.

When the magic of Christmas starts?

Than people are you happy? I still don't know the answer but what I know is that Christmas is coming!!  So I promis in last post that I'll bring many different ideas and happiness to you  and that will be like I say. First my idea is decorate wooden chests,
you'll see listed below. What I'll  show you I learned and it'll be gladly show you so that you can work with joy and show yours hand work  and  and give from the heart or make magical corner rooms. Enough talk let's get to work

As long as everything here is what we need to do! It is a wooden chest, motive cut from rice paper (from the store), acrylic paint (white or other), glossy water based transparent varnish, scissors, flat brush, water.

 Then remove the lock to avoid being painted

 A thin layer of white paint (depends on the motive upper surface never painted in a dark color, at least I don't color ) coloring is repeated after drying (drying can be with  hair dryer)

If you haven't painted a thick layer and after drying you're satisfied with the effect, you can move on to the next level, otherwise thin layer of paint again and be sure to dry them!

The next step is sweeter step in which cutting the motive and set the to position

Set the motive on the desired spot painted chests. Thin layer hover over motives with glossy based transparent vamish 
and  brush dragFROM INSIDE  TO OUT.

After the first coat dries pass another thin layer of glossy based transparent varnish.

The next step is to remove the excess paper that has remained at the edges. For that you need emery paper!
 Place the emery paper in your hand so that you can carefully pull off "surplus".
 This is done by pulling from the top down (of course removing paper from the edge of the chest)
 Here came the last step! But do not you still feel relieved :) In this step, you have the freedom! Edit as desired. It can be beads, bows stickers, bells, hearts whatever you choose.
 I'm fix with wood glue.

I want you to enjoy the spirit of the upcoming Christmas. Make your workshop and a surprise! Everyone loves a surprise, right?
Thank you for reading. If you have a question, set it down in a comment I will be happy to answer.
 Appreciated your work



petak, 8. studenoga 2013.

Early Christmas spirit bring happines(s) (English version)

November is begin and first Christmas box is made! Earlier Christmas spirits light up my home and move me to prepare like Santa Clouse for up coming Christmas. Target for this Christmas is handmade decoration box, ornaments, balls so I start labour action and began made boxes. Which can I use for presents for friends and family and of course for sale.
Don't know for you but I like this cold days, worm hearts, fragment home, imaginative ideas, smiling face, tears of joy! For some people cold days are perfect for squeeze under a blanket take tea (take a look what new is on blog) so don't just imagine! I suggest MOVE and do something be creative! I'll do my best to wake up your creativity, bringing many different ideas and happiness. I hope you'll have benefit. xx

srijeda, 6. studenoga 2013.

Uranjeli Božićni duh donosi radost

Počeo je studeni mjesec i prva Božićna kutija je izrađena! Uranjeli Božićni duh osvijetlio je moju kuću i potaknuo me da se počnem kao Djeda Božičnjak (Mraz) pripremati za nadolazeći Božić. Cilj za ovaj Božić su handmade ukrasne kutije i kuglice. Pa sam tako ja krenula u radnu akciju i počela izrađivati ukrasne kutije koje ću iskoristiti za poklon prijateljima i obitelji, a neke će biti i na prodaji!
Volim ovo razdoblje,  hladne dane, topla srca, mirisne kuče, maštovite ideje, nasmijana lica, suze radosnice. Za neke hladni dani su najbolji za ušuškati se pod deku i popiti topli čaj (i pogledati što ima novo na blogu  :D ) tako nemojte samo maštati nego uradite nešto i sami! Budite kreativini! A ja ću se potruditi da probudim u vama kreativnost donoseći vam mnogo raznih  zamisli, ideja, radosti od koji se nadam da će te imati koristi. Pusa